
This publication offers advice to producers, crop consultants, and agronomists to help manage Kansas soybean crops as efficiently and profitably as possible. Recommendations provide guidelines and must be tailored to the diverse conditions found in cropping systems across the state.
Pythium root rot is primarily a seedling disease. Early planting dates increase the risk of disease. A seedling disease survey of the North Central Region of the United States and Canada in 2011 and 2012 recovered approximately 50 species of Pythium from diseased soybean seedlings.
A map of SCN distribution in Kansas
This publication was developed with you, the soybean grower, in mind. Included in these pages are the answers to frequently asked questions, along with recommendations based on decades of research on soybean management in SCN-infested fields.
Soybean variety, growth, and nutrient information for soybean production in Kansas.
Extension field crop pathologists discuss the symptoms of Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus (SVNV) and how to distinguish this emerging disease from other soybean foliar diseases in the field.

Contact Us

Rodrigo Borba Onofre

Rodrigo Borba Onofre

Assistant Professor
Field & Row Crops

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Chandler Day

Chandler Day

Associate Diagnostician
Field & Row Crops

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